The following field-by-field content description describes the elements and attributes of each data container, including details about INID codes, expanded descriptions of the contained data, and examples.
- patent-document
- publication-reference
- application-reference
- us-sir-flag
- priority-claims
- dates-of-public-availability
- rule-47-flag
- term-of-grant
- technical-data classification
- technical-data invention-title
- technical-data citations
- technical-data field-of-search
- technical-data statistical-information
- technical-data figures
- related-documents
- parties
- ifi-integrated-content
- ifi-annotated-data
- international-convention-data
- designated-states
- office-specific-data
- abstract
- description
- claims
- amended-claims
- search-report-data
- keywords
- legal-status