The Litigation service exposes global litigation data provided by MaxVal. Case details, outcomes, party data and more are available from multiple courts. This service is available through the CLAIMS Direct platform as a separate subscription. If you are interested in accessing this service, please contact your sales representative.


This endpoint returns a complete litigation record given a valid case-id.


@case_idInteger, e.g., 211580A valid case-id


wget -O- -q \
  --header 'x-user:x' \
  --header 'x-password:y' \


<litigation case-id="211580" case-number="17-1590" filed-date="20180524" closed-date="20181001">
    <parties />
    <related-publications />
    <related-cases />
    <litigation-case-extract />


This endpoint provides full search capabilities for the litigation data set.


@qString, e.g., ucid:US-5551212-AAny syntactically correct search string

@flString, e.g., ucid,title,case_idComma-separated fields to return

@rowsInteger, e.g., 10Positive value indicating maximum number of documents to return. Default is 10.

@startInteger, e.g., 00-based offset into result set. This parameter as well as the @rows parameter above can be used for paging. Default value is 0.

Note: For information about scoring, see Apache Lucene - Scoring and Similarity.


wget -O- -q \ 
--header 'x-user:x' \
--header 'x-password:y' \

Response (abbreviated)

                  "Services - Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. - IT services - Hosting services and software as a service and rental of software - software as a service [SaaS]"
               "court":"U.S. Supreme Court",
                  "Integrated Technological Systems, Inc."
               "outcome":"DCT: Closed (closed)",
                  "U.S. Supreme Court",
                  "DCT: Closed (closed)",
                  "Service or system for transferring funds in an automated fashion",
                  "Services - Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. - IT services - Hosting services and software as a service and rental of software - software as a service [SaaS]"
                  "First Internet Bank of Indiana"
                  "Service or system for transferring funds in an automated fashion"