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	apgupd [ Options ... ]

  apgupd Options
  --url=URL     URL for update methods
  --user=s       User name  default: test (will fail)
  --password=s   Password   default: test (will fail)
  --noindex      Don't queue up indexing
  --force        Force the update even if it redundant
  --tmp=dir      Specify temporary file storage. default=/tmp/
  --pgdbname=s   Specify configuration database entry
                  default: alexandria
  --facility=s   Logging facility (default=apgupd)
  --noclean      Do not remove temporary processing directory. Default is to clean.
                   NOTE: this option should only be used to debug errors
  --apgupexe=s   Specify non-default apgup script (used for debugging)
                   Default is apgup as found in PATH environment
  Process Options
  --nodaemon    Don't put process into background. Default is to damonize
  --interval=i  n-seconds between probing for new updates. Default=10
                Exit on error. This will terminate the process in
                case of an error at any stage of the update
  --help        print this usage and exit


Detailed description of the arguments

General Options

ArgumentDescriptionDefault Value
--urlUsed for support. The web service url. This argument should only be used when specified by CLAIMS Direct support staff
--userYour CLAIMS Direct user nametest
--passwordYour CLAIMS Direct passwordtest
--noindexWhen set (=1), the indexing queue will not be populated.N/A
--forceIf a load-id has been previously processed, default behavior is to skip it. A value (=1) forces the load to be processed.N/A
--tmpThe temporary processing location. The update packages will be downloaded to this area, unpacked and loaded. Generally, 10-20GB is sufficient./tmp
--pgdbnameThe name of the configuration database entry as specified in /etc/alexandria.xmlalexandria
--facilityLogging facility. Changing from the default value assumes a logger has been defined in /etc/alexandria-log.confapgupd
--nocleanUsed for debugging. When specified (=1), the downloaded package and temporary directory will not be removed after processingN/A
--apgupexeUsed for debugging. When specified, an alternative update process will be called to load and merge the package.apgup

Process Options

ArgumentDescriptionDefault Value
--nodaemonWhen specified (=1), apgupd will run in the foreground. ctrl+c can be used to cancel itN/A
--intervalThe interval (in seconds) between subsequent update checks.10
--die-on-errorWhen specified (=1), any error at any stage of the update process will case apgupd to exitN/A

Daemon Execution


# all defaults
$INSTALL_BASE/bin/apgupd --user=x --password=y
# use a specific temporary work area
$INSTALL_BASE/bin/apgupd --user=x --password=y --tmp=/some/place/with/fast/disk
# do not background process
$INSTALL_BASE/bin/apgupd --user=x --password=y --nodaemon


apgupd explicity handles 3 signals: USR1USR2INT

# Pause the daemon
kill -s USR1 <pid>
# Resume processing
kill -s USR2 <pid>
# Stop daemon completely
kill -s INT <pid>





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