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For step-by-step instructions, see the Client Tools Installation Instructions.

Hardware Requirements

System Memory8GB
Storage Capacity500GB (100GB SSD for fast temporary processing space)

 Software Requirements

Operating SystemRHEL 7-8, CentOS 7-8, Amazon Linux AMI
IFI CLAIMS Repository
yum -y install \

Note: CentOS 7 needs an additional repository: yum -y install epel-release

Amazon Linux 1
yum -y install \

yum -y install \

Note: This installs EPEL and the PowerTools repositories

Minimum Version

CLAIMS Direct Software Installation

Using the Claims Direct Repository

IFI CLAIMS provides yum software repositories to make installation simple.

First, install the necessary repository configuration files:

# CentOS 7 needs an additional repository
yum -y install epel-release

# To install the epel repository in RHEL
yum -y install$(rpm -E '%{rhel}').noarch.rpm

# See full URLs above
yum -y install<distribution>/ifi-claims-direct...

Next, update the system:

yum -y update   # this update should pull libxml2 from our repository

Finally, install the Alexandria::Client::Tools:

yum -y install perl-Alexandria-Client-Tools   # will pull in perl-Alexandria-Library 

Client Tools Configuration

Necessary Information for Configuration

In order to make installation as seamless as possible, having the following information available for initial configuration is recommended:

  • CLAIMS Direct user name and password as provided by IFI CLAIMS client services
  • The IP address or host name of the server housing the CLAIMS Direct PostgreSQL data warehouse
  • (Optional) The IP address or host name of the server housing the CLAIMS Direct SOLR index
  • Root access to machine that will house these Client Tools

Main Configuration

The configuration file /etc/alexandria.xml is used by all utilities and services and contains the PostgreSQL data warehouse and SOLR index configuration entries. For stand-alone installations, default values are sufficient but for Type-2 or Type-3 installations, the following modifications are required:



These entries configure the database name (dbname), location (host), port and credentials (userpassword) used by the utilities and services to communicate with the CLAIMS Direct PostgreSQL data warehouse. In a typical Type-2 or Type-3 installation, only @host will need to be modified. If you have set up a different PostgreSQL authentication user (with optional password), the user and password attributes need to reflect the credentials used to communicate with PostgreSQL.

The name attribute is the identifier and is the default argument in all tools requiring a --pgdbname parameter. This will not need modification.


This is the location of the CLAIMS Direct SOLR index. It is the full URL to the installation, including the context. Typically, you will only need to modify the IP address. Port and path defaults need no modifications.

Similar to above, the name attribute is the identifier and is the default argument in all tools requiring a --solrdbname parameter. Again, this will not need modification.

Client Update and Indexing Service Configuration

Client Updates

The configuration file /etc/alexandria/apgupd.conf controls the parameters used to maintain the CLAIMS Direct PostgreSQL data warehouse. These parameters are used by the apgupd service.

Configuration Parameterapgupd ArgumentDefault ValueDescription
CD_PGDBNAME--pgdbname alexandriaThis controls which database configuration the update service uses. This entry corresponds to the default /database/@name attribute value in /etc/alexandria.xml. 
CD_USER--user testThe user name provided to you by client services. The default will fail.
CD_PASSWORD--password testThe password provided to you by client services. The default will fail.
CD_INTERVAL--interval 5The interval, in seconds, between probes for new updates.
CD_TMP--tmp /tmpThe default processing directory for intermediate files downloaded by the apgupd service.

Add lesser-used arguments here. As an example, to maintain the supplemental tables required for on-site family and citation functionality, add --api, e.g., CD_OTHER_OPTIONS='--api'. See /etc/alexandria/apgupd.conf for additional examples.

Client Indexing

The configuration file /etc/alexandria/aidxd.conf controls parameters used to maintain the optional CLAIMS Direct SOLR Index. These parameters are used by the aidxd service.

Configuration Parameteraidxd ArgumentDefault ValueDescription
CD_PGDBNAME--pgdbname alexandriaThis controls which database configuration the indexing service uses as data source for the CLAIMS Direct SOLR index. This entry corresponds to the default /database/@name attribute value in /etc/alexandria.xml. 
CD_SOLRDBNAME--solrdbname alexandriaThis controls which index configuration is used by the indexing service. This entry corresponds to the default /index/@name attribute value in /etc/alexandria.xml. 
CD_CORE--core alexandriaThe SOLR collection.
CD_TMP--tmp /tmpThe default processing directory for intermediate indexing files extracted from the CLAIMS Direct data warehouse.

Client Tools Services

Both the CLAIMS Direct PostgreSQL update and optional SOLR indexing services are typical system services.

Enable (configure to start on server start or reboot)

If necessary, adjust the code to reflect the version you are using.

#### PostgreSQL data warehouse service
# Amazon
chkconfig apgupd on
# CentOS 8 / RHEL 8
systemctl enable apgupd.service

#### Optional SOLR indexing service
# Amazon
chkconfig aidxd on
# CentOS 8 / RHEL 8
systemctl enable aidxd.service

Start Service Manually

If necessary, adjust the code to reflect the version you are using.

#### PostgreSQL data warehouse service
# Amazon
service apgupd start
# CentOS 8 / RHEL 8
systemctl start apgupd.service

#### Optional SOLR indexing service
# Amazon
service aidxd start
# CentOS 8 / RHEL 8
systemctl start aidxd.service

Stop Service Manually

If necessary, adjust the code to reflect the version you are using.

#### PostgreSQL data warehouse service
# Amazon
service apgupd stop
# CentOS 8 / RHEL 8
systemctl stop apgupd.service

#### Optional SOLR indexing service
# Amazon
service aidxd stop
# CentOS 8 / RHEL 8
systemctl stop aidxd.service
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