The autags
container includes Australia-specific information. Access to the Australian office-specific-data
is available with Premium and Premium Plus subscriptions.
<office-specific-data> <autags> <au-opi-date> <date>20141023</date> </au-opi-date> <au-opi-published-in-journal-date> <date>20141023</date> </au-opi-published-in-journal-date> <au-acceptance-details> <au-acceptance-date> <date>20151109</date> </au-acceptance-date> <au-acceptance-published-date> <date>20151126</date> </au-acceptance-published-date> <au-final-acceptance-date> <date>20151121</date> </au-final-acceptance-date> </au-acceptance-details> <au-sealing-details> <au-sealing-date> <date>20160310</date> </au-sealing-date> <au-sealed-published-date> <date>20160324</date> </au-sealed-published-date> </au-sealing-details> <au-extensions-of-term> <au-extension-of-term> <au-final-expiry-date> <date>20310301</date> </au-final-expiry-date> <au-extension-of-term-application-filing-date> <date>20160418</date> </au-extension-of-term-application-filing-date> <au-extension-of-term-acceptance-date> <date>20170516</date> </au-extension-of-term-acceptance-date> <au-extension-of-term-acceptance-published-date> <date>20170525</date> </au-extension-of-term-acceptance-published-date> </au-extension-of-term> </au-extensions-of-term> <au-fee-history> <au-date-paid> <date>20170822</date> </au-date-paid> <au-paid-to-date> <date>20180922</date> </au-paid-to-date> <au-next-fee-due>12</au-next-fee-due> </au-fee-history> </autags> </office-specific-data>
Element | Description |
au-opi-date | Date an application became open for public inspection in Australia. Generally, this is the date of publication either by IP Australia or by WIPO if the PCT was filed after January 1, 2004. For PCT applications filed before January 1, 2004, this is the date a copy of the PCT application was received at IP Australia after publication by WIPO. |
au-opi-published-in-journal-date | Date an application was published in the Australian Official Journal of Patents. |
au-exam-details | Examination details. See below for sub-elements. |
au-acceptance-details | Acceptance details. See below for sub-elements. |
au-certification-details | Certification details for innovation patents. See Types of patents for more information about innovation patents. See below for sub-elements. |
au-sealing-details | Sealing details. "Sealing" is the act of applying a physical seal to paper patent deeds. Patents granted after April 15, 2013 are subject to an electronic means of grant. See below for sub-elements. |
au-extensions-of-term | Term extensions. See below for sub-elements. |
au-fee-history | Fee history. See below for sub-elements. |
au-oppositions-and-disputes | Oppositions and disputes. See below for sub-elements. |
au-re-examinations | Re-examinations. See below for sub-elements. |
Element | Description |
au-direction-date | Date Commissioner directed applicant to request examination. A request for examination must be filed within 2 months of the direction date. |
au-third-party-examination-request-date | Date a third party requested examination |
Element | Description |
au-acceptance-date | Acceptance date |
au-acceptance-published-date | Acceptance publication date |
au-final-acceptance-date | Final acceptance date |
Element | Description |
au-certified-date | Date of certification |
au-final-certification-date | Final certification date |
au-certified-published-date | Certified publication date |
Element | Description |
au-sealing-date | Sealing date |
au-sealed-published-date | Sealing publication date |
Element | Description |
au-final-expiry-date | Final expiry date |
au-extension-of-term-application-filing-date | Application filing date for term extension |
au-extension-of-term-acceptance-date | Acceptance date for term extension |
au-extension-of-term-acceptance-published-date | Acceptance publication date for term extension |
au-extension-of-term-granted-date | Grant date for term extension |
Element | Description |
au-date-paid | Date of payment |
au-paid-to-date | Date up to which continuation/renewal fees have been paid. The application/patent may be considered active for up to six months past this date. |
au-next-fee-due | Anniversary number of the next continuation/renewal fee. Indicates the number of years for which continuation/renewal fees have been paid and is calculated as the number of years between the Date of Patent and the Paid to Date. This is not populated for patents of addition. |
au-last-agency-address | Address of last agency |
Element | Description |
au-current-oppositions-and-disputes | Current oppositions and disputes. See below for sub-elements. |
au-completed-oppositions-and-disputes | Completed oppositions and disputes. See below for sub-elements. |
Attribute | Description |
sequence | Sequence number |
Element | Description |
au-proceeding-type | Type of proceeding. Values include:
au-proceeding-status | Status of proceeding. Values include:
au-proceeding-result | Result of proceeding. Values include:
au-opposition-dispute-parties | Opposition dispute parties. See below for sub-elements. |
au-opposition-dispute-agent | Opposition dispute agent |
au-opposition-dispute-agent-address | Address of opposition dispute agent |
Attribute | Description |
sequence | Sequence number |
Element | Description |
au-opposition-dispute-party-name | Name of opposition dispute party |
Attribute | Description |
sequence | Sequence number |
Element | Description |
au-re-examination-status | Status of re-examination. Values include:
au-re-examination-request-date | Date re-examination was requested |
The eptags
container includes EPO-specific information.
<office-specific-data> <eptags> <ep-no-a-document-published>*</ep-no-a-document-published> <ep-limitations> <ep-limitation-procedure limitation-sequence="1" mxw-id="LIM307" load-source="patent-office"> <ep-limitation-filing> <ep-limitation-date> <date>20140711</date> </ep-limitation-date> <ep-limitation-filing-kind>2</ep-limitation-filing-kind> <ep-limitation-filing-decision>1</ep-limitation-filing-decision> <ep-limitation-payment-date> <date>20140912</date> </ep-limitation-payment-date> </ep-limitation-filing> <ep-limitation-rejection> <ep-limitation-rejection-kind>1</ep-limitation-rejection-kind> <ep-limitation-rejection-dispatch-date> <date>20150128</date> </ep-limitation-rejection-dispatch-date> <ep-limitation-rejection-legal-date> <date>20150207</date> </ep-limitation-rejection-legal-date> </ep-limitation-rejection> </ep-limitation-procedure> <ep-limitation-procedure limitation-sequence="2" mxw-id="LIM308" load-source="patent-office"> <ep-limitation-filing> <ep-limitation-date> <date>20150528</date> </ep-limitation-date> <ep-limitation-filing-kind>2</ep-limitation-filing-kind> <ep-limitation-filing-decision>1</ep-limitation-filing-decision> <ep-limitation-payment-date> <date>20150528</date> </ep-limitation-payment-date> </ep-limitation-filing> <ep-limitation-allowed> <ep-limitation-allowed-dispatch-date> <date>20150911</date> </ep-limitation-allowed-dispatch-date> <ep-limitation-allowed-trans-date> <date>20151130</date> </ep-limitation-allowed-trans-date> <ep-limitation-allowed-payment-date> <date>20151130</date> </ep-limitation-allowed-payment-date> </ep-limitation-allowed> <ep-limitation-decision limitation-sequence="2"> <kind>B3</kind> <date>20160113</date> <bnum>201602</bnum> </ep-limitation-decision> </ep-limitation-procedure> </ep-limitations> </eptags> </office-specific-data>
Element | Description |
ep-no-a-document-published | Contains an "*" (asterisk) for the Euro-PCT applications for which no A-document has been published by the EPO because it was filed with WIPO in one of the official languages of the EPO |
ep-limitations | Request by the patent proprietor to limit the scope of a patent |
ep-petition-reviews | Petition for review of the outcome of an appeal |
Attribute | Description |
limitation-sequence | Limitation sequence number |
Element | Description |
ep-limitation-date | Date of filing |
ep-limitation-filing-kind | Limitation kind: 01=Filed during opposition period |
ep-limitation-filing-decision | Decision code: 01=Admissible |
ep-limitation-payment-date | Date of payment |
Element | Description |
ep-limitation-rejection-kind | Rejection of limitation: 01=Substantive refusal |
ep-limitation-rejection-dispatch-date | Date decision was dispatched |
ep-limitation-rejection-legal-date | Date of legal effect |
ep-limitation-rejection-bulletin-number | Issue number of the bulletin |
Element | Description |
ep-limitation-allowed-dispatch-date | Date decision was dispatched |
ep-limitation-allowed-trans-date | Date translation was received |
ep-limitation-allowed-payment-date | Date full payment was received |
Attribute | Description |
limitation-sequence | Limitation sequence number |
Element | Description |
kind | Kind code; when the request is accepted, the result will be a new B3 publication |
date | Date of publication |
bnum | Issue number of the bulletin |
Attribute | Description |
review-number | Petition for review number (as there can be multiple petitions for review); comprises a unique number for a given year, e.g., R0001/08 |
Element | Description |
ep-petition-review-appeal-number | Appeal number |
ep-petition-review-petitioner-code | Petitioner code |
ep-petition-review-notice-date | Date of notice of petition |
ep-petition-review-decision-date | Date of decision |
| Kind of decision: R01=Obviously inadmissible |
The ustags
container includes USPTO-specific information.
<office-specific-data> <ustags> <us-gazette> <us-adverse-decisions> <us-adverse-decision gazette-date="19881213"> <date>19880728</date> <number>101768</number> <text>claims 1-9</text> </us-adverse-decision> </us-adverse-decisions> <us-reexaminations> <us-reexamination gazette-date="19860225"> <application-reference> <document-id> <country>US</country> <doc-number>90/000927</doc-number> <date>19851220</date> </document-id> </application-reference> <publication-reference ucid="US-4490148-B1"> <document-id> <country>US</country> <doc-number>4490148</doc-number> <kind>B1</kind> <date>19861118</date> </document-id> </publication-reference> <number>592</number> <requester> <addressbook> <name>PROCTOR & GAMBLE CO</name> <address> <address-1>CINCINNATI OH</address-1> <country>US</country> </address> </addressbook> </requester> <text>AS A RESULT OF REEXAMINATION, IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT: CLAIM 1 IS DETERMINED TO BE PATENTABLE AS AMENDED. CLAIMS 2-9, DEPENDENT ON AN AMENDED CLAIM, ARE DETERMINED TO BE PATENTABLE. 1. PROTECTOR AGAINST INCONTINENCE OR DIAPER WHICH WHEN EXTENDED HAS AN ESSENTIALLY RECTANGULAR SHAPE AND WHICH COMPRISES A BOTTOM, LIQUID-TIGHT LAYER SUCH AS A PLASTIC SHEET, WHICH CARRIES AN OBLONG ABSORBENT BODY FIXED TO THE BOTTOM LAYER, THE BOTTOM LAYER BEING PROVIDED WITH LONGITUDINAL ELASTIC LINES SUCH AS ELASTIC THREADS, BANDS OR LINES OR ELASTIC COATING ARRANGED ALONT AT LEAST A PORTION OF THE LENGTH OF THE PROTECTOR TO GATHER TOGETHER THE PROTECTOR IN THE FREE STATE BY ELASTIC CONTRACTION OF THE ELASTIC PORTIONS AND TO EFFECT ELASTIC AND SEALING CONTACT WITH ADJACENT BODILY PARTS IN THE POSITION FOR USE, CHARACTERIZED IN THAT THE BOTTOM LAYER IS EXTENDED TO THE SIDES WITH SIDE FLAPS WHICH ARE FOLDED IN OVER THE BOTTOM LAYER AND OVER THE LONGITUDINAL SIDES OF THE OBLONG ABSORBENT BODY, THE BOTTOM LAYER BEING EXTENDED ENDWISE BY ENDS THAT ARE DISPOSED ENDWISE BEYOND THE ENDS OF THE OBLONG ABSORBENT BODY, THAT SAID FOLDED OVER SIDE FLAPS ARE FASTENED AT THEIR END PORTIONS TO SAID EXTENDED ENDS OF THE BOTTOM LAYER AT LOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE THE WIDTH OF THE PROTECTOR, AND THAT THE ELASTIC LINES ARE ARRANGED AT THE FREE EDGES OF THE SIDE FLAPS AND ARE EACH FIXED AT BOTH THEIR ENDS TO THE SIDE FLAPS ENDWISE BEYOND THE ENDS OF THE ABSORBENT BODY AT LOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE THE WIDTH OF THE PROTECTOR.</text> </us-reexamination> </us-reexaminations> <us-reissues> <us-reissue gazette-date="19870303"> <application-reference us-art-unit="336"> <document-id> <country>US</country> <doc-number>07/946531</doc-number> <date>19861229</date> </document-id> </application-reference> <publication-reference ucid="US-RE33106-E"> <document-id> <country>US</country> <doc-number>RE33106</doc-number> <kind>E1</kind> <date>19891107</date> </document-id> </publication-reference> </us-reissue> <us-reissue gazette-date="19881227"> <application-reference us-art-unit="336"> <document-id> <country>US</country> <doc-number>07/267224</doc-number> <date>19881102</date> </document-id> </application-reference> <publication-reference ucid="US-RE33106-E"> <document-id> <country>US</country> <doc-number>RE33106</doc-number> <kind>E1</kind> <date>19891107</date> </document-id> </publication-reference> </us-reissue> </us-reissues> </us-gazette> </ustags> </office-specific-data>
Element | Description |
us-adverse-decisions | Adverse decisions |
us-certificates-of-correction | Certificates of correction |
us-disclaimers | Disclaimer statements |
us-expirations | Patent expirations |
us-extensions | Patent extensions |
us-reexaminations | Patent reexaminations |
us-reinstatements | Patent reinstatements |
us-reissues | Patent reissues |