<invention-title mxw-id="PT70129930" lang="DE" load-source="patent office"> Stapelbarer Behälter</invention-title> <invention-title mxw-id="PT70129931" lang="EN" load-source="patent-office"> Stackable container</invention-title> <invention-title mxw-id="PT70129932" lang="FR" load-source="patent-office"> Conteneur empilable</invention-title> |
Attribute | Description |
lang | Language of title, 2-character code based on ISO 639-2. There can be multiple |
load-source | Source of title Note: Invention titles with the load source of |
Element | INID | Description |
- | 54 | Invention title. Titles may have sentence caps or all caps depending on the source data. |
For information about the Solr search fields associated with this container, see Text Fields. |