The IFI Corporate Intellectual Property Profile provides a succinct summary of the current patent assets held by corporate entities and their subsidiaries, including metrics such as the number of patents and patent families owned, status information, and the number of citations associated with a company’s patents. Profiles are available for over 300,000 business entities including over 9,000 Ultimate Owners representing over 150,000 subsidiaries. This service is available through the CLAIMS Direct platform as a separate subscription. If you are interested in accessing this service, please contact your sales representative.
Table of Contents
Response Members
A profile record returns the following fields:
Member | Description |
found | 0 | 1 – Indicates whether a portfolio was created. If not, there may be suggestions (see suggestions below). |
name | Name of entity (Entity) | | Ultimate Owner (UO) name |
ultimate.address | Address of UO headquarters | | UO code of country of incorporation |
ultimate.ticker.symbol | All UO ticker_symbol/ticker_exchange pairs |
statistics.subsidiary_total | Number of UO subsidiaries and related entities holding IP assets |
last_review_date | Last review of UO |
statistics.publications_total | Total number of UO patent-related publications |
statistics.publications_application_level | Total number of UO patent applications |
statistics.publications_grant_level | Total number of UO granted patents |
statistics.publications_status_active | Total number of UO granted patents that are still in force, i.e., active |
statistics.publications_status_pending | Total number of UO patent applications that are pending |
statistics.publications_status_lapsed | Total number of UO granted patents that have expired, i.e., no longer in force |
statistics.publications_status_unknown | Total number of UO patent-related publications for which the status is unknown |
statistics.family_total | Total number of UO patent families |
statistics.family_status_pending | Total number of UO patent families that only contain patent applications that have not granted, i.e., that are still pending |
statistics.family_status_active | Total number of UO patent families that contain at least one granted patent that is still in force |
statistics.family_status_lapsed | Total number of UO patent families for which all granted patents have expired |
statistics.citations_forward | Total number of unique forward citations, i.e., other patent publications citing UO family members |
statistics.citations_backward | Total number of unique backward citations, i.e., UO family members citing other patent publications |
suggestions | If a portfolio was not created, this array may be populated with relevant suggestions |
score | Relevancy score |
is_ultimate | 0 | 1 – Indicates whether a name is an UO 0: Indicates that a name is not an UO |
Parameter | Value | Path and Query String | Expected Results |
name | meta | /ipprofile?name=meta&ticker.symbol=META | A full portfolio record |
language | text |
wget -O- -q \ |
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "ipprofile" : { "statistics" : { "publications_application_level" : 16963, "publications_status_active" : 22152, "citations_forward" : 169050, "publications_total" : 36536, "publications_status_lapsed" : 4763, "publications_grant_level" : 13671, "subsidiary_total" : 54, "family_status_pending" : 770, "citations_backward" : 105787, "family_status_active" : 6864, "publications_status_pending" : 3720, "family_status_lapsed" : 1364, "family_total" : 8998, "publications_status_unknown" : 5901, "publications_unknown_level" : 5902 }, "ultimate" : { "country" : "US", "last_reviewed" : "2021-01-11", "name" : "Meta Platforms Inc", "ticker" : [ { "symbol" : "META", "exchange" : "XNAS" } ], "address" : "1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, US" }, "name" : "Meta Platforms Inc", "found" : 1 }, "time" : "0.342", "status" : "success" } |