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Table of Contents


The entity entities stream offers detailed content relating to IFI standardized names and corporate hierarchies (ultimate owners and subsidiaries). This stream allows users to quickly build full corporate portfolios, retrieve all the subsidiaries for a specific company, and gain quick statistical insights into a portfolio more easily. The optional statistical analysis tables give insights for key metrics such as number of active patent families, number of granted patents, and more. Before beginning, it is important to review the design of the schema, tables and columns as well as the built-in functions.


Note on terminology: In the following blog, the terms IFI standardized name and entity name are synonymous. Generally, an IFI standardized name is an entity if it belongs to an entity hierarchy.



Before executing any of the functions described below, it's important to stop all stream updates:

Code Block
systemctl stop apgupd.service

Linking Entities to Publications

Although the entity entities stream is self-contained (has no direct dependencies on other stream content), the optional analysis tables table linking to the xml schema via entities.t_entitypublication_hierarchy_counts as well as direct linking to the xml schema via entities.t_publication_ifi_ifi_numbers can only be exposed by building these using the function entities.f_update_xml_info_bf(). This function may run for 24 hours or more so it is important to stop all stream updates by pausing or stopping the apgupd service.

To populate the optional content:

Code Block
systemctlselect stop apgupd.service

To populate the optional content:

Code Block
select entities.entities.f_update_xml_info_bf();

This function builds the links between the xml.t_ifi_integrated_content data and the entity entities stream which includes publications, publication status, family and family status information. These links will be maintained by apgupd every entity entities stream update.

Generating and Maintaining Statistics

Linking entities to publications is an in-line process and is triggered by loads into the XML schema. The optional statistics in entities.t_entity_hierarchy_counts, on the other hand, are generated by an offline process that can be scheduled. As with populating entities.t_publication_ifi_numbers, an initial population of the table entities.t_entity_hierarchy_counts is done by executing a function:

Code Block
select entities.f_recalculate_all_entity_hierarchy_counts(true)

With the true parameter, the table entities.t_entity_hierarchy_counts will be completely rebuilt, false and only load-ids that haven't been processed will be refreshed. IFI CLAIMS Primary scheduling uses cron as shown below: 

Code Block
# Incremental updates: 3:30 Mon-Sat
30    3   * *  1-6  psql -U alexandria -h localhost -p 5432 -d alexandria -qt -c "select entities.f_recalculate_all_entity_hierarchy_counts()" -o /dev/null
# Full refresh: Sat 8:30
30    8   * *   6   psql -U alexandria -h localhost -p 5432 -d alexandria -qt -c 'select entities.f_recalculate_all_entity_hierarchy_counts(true)' -o /dev/null

Getting Started

To ease into the entities content, we'll go over some fundamental functionality:
