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The indexing queue is a table inside the reporting schema: t_client_index_process. When apgupd completes the load into the PostgreSQL, a row is inserted into reporting.t_client_index_process with running_statuspending. The indexing daemon, aidxd, probes the table looking for the highest priority load_id to index. Upon finding an applicable load-idaidxd proceeds to extract all publications associated with that load_id and index the documents into SOLRSolr.


The column priority influences which load_id is to be processed next. Higher priority load-ids are processed before lower priority ones. This can cause out-of-order processing as we will discuss below.


Changing Field Definitions

Modifying the CLAIMS Direct


Solr Schema

The CLAIMS Direct SOLR Solr schema is a compromise between having every piece of the patent document searchable, having enough metadata stored to be retrievable in the search result set as well as indexing certain fields to be efficiently faceted. This compromise keeps the size of the index manageable while allowing efficient return of data from a search. Of course, the concept of manageable is subjective. There could very well be the need to have more fields returned during the search (stored=true) and other fields removed from storage but left searchable. In this use case, we will enable patent citations to be returned during the search. Regardless of CLAIMS Direct SOLR Solr package, we'll start editing the schema under <package>/conf-2.1.2. We are making a very simple change but one that requires a complete re-index of all documents having citations.


To make this change effective, SOLR Solr needs to be restarted or the collection reloaded. For the standalone package, you would just need to restart SOLRSolr:

Code Block
<package>/solrctl stop ; <package>/solrctl start
