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Table of Contents

June 2017: Delivering priority-linkage-type codes

Since February this year the attribute list for element priority-claim contains an optional attribute linkage-type, which is related to divisions, additions and continuations among others. For some authorities, this is especially important when we calculate expiry dates.

From now on we are delivering the priority linkage type codes when available.
Example: AU-2017202677-A1

<priority-claim mxw-id="PPC175612506" ucid="AU-2015050665-W" linkage-type="A" load-source="docdb">
  <document-id format="epo">

Regarding the backfile, we will reload records for countries where this data affects expiry dates. I this sense, reload of the NL backfile is complete as of load-id 268293.

For more information, see XML content description.

May 2017: BR and TW data loaded

Premium+ subscribers now have access to full text of BR and TW documents as described in the Data coverage table.

We loaded close to 1,2 million records covering TW applications, utility models and granteds and more than 100,000 Brazilian records.

April 2017: Planning a reload of ifi-integrated-content of EP records

We would like to announce an improvement in the way we calculate the patent status for EP Designated States.  Our upcoming reload of EP records will incorporate the following changes:

  • Due to customer requests for a simple live/dead status, we are now offering an In-force/Not-in-force status for Designated States.  This will result in a more reliable and easy-to-understand calculation of status, and will make this field more usable for things like queries and reports. The new rules are described in more detail here. Our prior calculation rules can be seen here.
  • As a result of this reload and the previous reload of bad formatted claims, we will add the Claims Summary information to EP records.
  • We plan to start reloading EP granted patents on May 22, 2017. This will take a few weeks.

April 2017: CH data available

Premium and Premium+ subscribers now have access to full text of CH applications and granted patents both in the original language and in English translation. We have updated 98,224 records published from 1980 to February of this year.

March 2017: dnum-type added to citations


As a result, 77,786 records having cited applications have been reloaded. Below you can see one example:


March 2017: We start loading TW data

We started loading the back file of TW data in early March. Premium+ subscribers will have access to this data in the next few weeks. We plan to cover applications, granted patents, and utility models published from 2000.

March 2017: Reload of euro-PCT claims finished

Euro-PCT records reload is now complete. We solved format issues found in the original data, so there are no longer any claims with an empty num attribute in our EP collection.

This reload fixed:


Feb 2017: Upcoming reloads

Claims format: In 2016 we fixed some content-format issues in the claims section, which were wrong in the original data sources. For example, JP national data is delivered with all claims squashed into claim 1. Also we get some records without claim numbers. The two big claims reloads that we completed are: 5,763,744 JP original language claims and 1,773,963 WO claims. Total - more than 7.5 million claims fixed.

Euro-PCT records, which have the same issues than the "parent" PCT records, are going to be reloaded to fix the claims issue.
We plan to complete this reload before the end of February 2017.

Citations: DOCDB used to consolidate all citations at the earliest publication, A1 or A2 kind codes. This changed at some point last year and now citations are no longer consolidated. As a result of this change we are going to reload citations for about 14,5 million records in the upcoming weeks.This reload will fix a related issue, a former limit of 99 in the number of citations. This limit doesn't exist any more and after the reload approximately 173,000 records will have more than 99 patent or non-patent citations.
We plan to complete this reload before the end of March 2017.

Apr 2016: Details for Duplicate Citation Fix

This fix affects approximately 1.1 million records from 17 authorities where we have identified duplicate citations records. This reload will eliminate these duplicate records.

We plan to complete this reload between Apr 1-7, 2016.

Mar 2016: Details for WO Reload

We are reloading WO records published between 1978 and 2009 in order to add original parties data including agent and correspondent which is not covered via DOCDB. In addition we will add more complete priority data and improve claims structures.

We plan to complete this load between Mar 7-31, 2016.

The following provides an example of the priority-claims and parties changes.

WO-2009022636-A1 before reload:

   <priority-claim mxw-id="PPC87648930" ucid="JP-2007210505-A" load-source="docdb">
      <document-id format="epo">

     <applicant mxw-id="PPAR364824575" load-source="docdb" sequence="1" format="epo">
          <last-name>ICHIKAWA CO LTD</last-name>
        <applicant mxw-id="PPAR364813372" load-source="docdb" sequence="1" format="intermediate">
          <last-name>ICHIKAWA CO., LTD.</last-name>


WO-2009022636-A1  after reload:

   <priority-claim mxw-id="PPC159257708" load-source="patent-office">
     <document-id format="original">
   <priority-claim mxw-id="PPC87648930" ucid="JP-2007210505-A" load-source="docdb">
     <document-id format="epo">


     <applicant mxw-id="PPAR364824575" load-source="docdb" sequence="1" format="epo">
         <last-name>ICHIKAWA CO LTD</last-name>
     <applicant mxw-id="PPAR364813372" load-source="docdb" sequence="1" format="intermediate">
         <last-name>ICHIKAWA CO., LTD.</last-name>
     <applicant mxw-id="PPAR1081843961" load-source="patent-office" sequence="1" format="original">
         <name>ICHIKAWA CO., LTD.</name>
         <address-1>14-15, Hongo 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 1130033</address-1>


Feb 2016: Details for US Grants Reload

We will reload the <application-reference> and <publication-reference> containers for approximately 3.6 million US grants.  We will be adding entity-status at the publication-reference level as well as original format application-reference information. We will also fill in missing art unit. (see details below).

We plan to complete this load between Feb 22 and Mar 7, 2016.

The reload will include the missing us-art-unit attribute for US grants from 2001-2004. Additionally we will add national application number in its original format. So for example: 

US-6500018-B1 before update:

<application-reference mxw-id="PAPP61299422" ucid="US-94451301-A" us-series-code="09" load-source="docdb">
  <document-id format="epo">

US-6500018-B1 after update:

<application-reference ucid="US-94451301-A" us-series-code="09" us-art-unit="2833">
    <document-id mxw-id="PAPP61299422" load-source="docdb" format="epo">
   <document-id mxw-id="PAPP95329224" load-source="patent-office" format="original">

In the case of entity-status, this will be added to the publication reference.

Example new entity-status attribute in US-7318729-B2:

<publication-reference fvid="75564347" ucid="US-7318729-B2" entity-status="small">

Feb 2016: Details for JP Reload – rekey corrections

We have identified about 2.5 million JP records that were "re-keyed" to fix their publication numbers. The new records were loaded, however the old records were never marked deleted. These effectively duplicate records will be reloaded and marked deleted between Feb 13-17, 2016.

DTD revised from V2.0 to V2.1

See XML DTD and Schemas. (released: Oct 19, 2015) Changes to the actual data will not begin publishing until November 30, 2015

New CLAIMS Global Content Coverage page

See Claims Global Data Coverage (released: Oct 19, 2015)

Custom Text Web Service (tws)

See Custom Service Providing Application-Centric Integrated View (tws)

Reporting Service

See Reporting

Citation Service

See Citations

Family Service

See Family

Main Differences Between CD1.5 and CD2.0


April 2024: Solr installations

Following a recent Solr upgrade, we have found that essentially every Solr implementation is unique. Therefore, pre-written installation instructions are likely to be misleading and we have removed them from our documentation. If you need assistance with a Solr installation, please contact your sales representative to discuss a consulting arrangement.

December 2023: DTD v2.7 released, adding attribute for Unitary Patents

We have released v2.7 of the DTD, which includes a new attribute to indicate whether Unitary Patent (UP) protection has been requested for EP-B records. The attribute, ep-up-requested, has been added to the ifi-patent-status element in the IFI Snapshot. It is marked "Yes" when the legal status code U01 has been delivered in the legal event codes. Once the UP is registered, a C0 record is created where annuity payments, appeals, and other post-grant procedures are tracked. This attribute provides an easy way to identify which applicants are seeking protection in all countries participating in the UP. We plan to begin loading the new attribute on March 23, 2024. The new DTD is available here.

August 2023: IP Profiles API released

IFI Corporate Intellectual Property Profiles are now available through an API service. This service provides a high-level summary of the intellectual property assets held by corporate entities, including metrics such as the number of patents and patent families owned, status information, and the number of citations associated with a company’s patents. See IP Profiles for more details about this service.

April 2023: Schema tools 2.0-2 released

This minor update adds additional stream functionality to all tools. As of this release, cdws, litigation, and entities are fully supported in extracting, counting and analyzing.

April 2023: Updated Solr to version 8.11.1 

On April 1, we updated our search API and CDWI search to Solr version 8.11.1.

March 2023: Entities stream released

The Entities stream provides company hierarchies and summary statistics. It is the foundation of our IP Profiles. It is available as a separate data subscription. See the Entities Schema and User-Defined FunctionsWorking with the Entities Stream and Installing Additional Streams for more information.

February 2023: CLAIMS Direct Client Tools 2.6-5 released

This latest minor release of the client tools adds a diagnostics utility. This new utility will gather important information in a CLAIMS Direct instance to better aid support in diagnosing issues.

October 2022: Support for Rocky Linux 8

CLAIMS Direct now supports Rocky Linux 8. Instructions for new instances have been incorporated into the PostgreSQL Installation Instructions and the repository information is provided in the Software Requirements on our PostgreSQL page.

September 2022: New CLAIMS Direct Client Tools support transition to HTTPS

We are transitioning the Shared Services API and on-site update client communication from the HTTP protocol to HTTPS exclusively. To support this transition, the new release of perl-Alexandria-Client-Tools defaults to HTTPS for both API communications and update package downloads. On-site customers should install the new client tools by November 1, 2022.

May 2022: CLAIMS Direct CDWI 2.9.1 released

The following fixes and enhancements are included:

  • A new reporting option csv.datefmt was added to the New Report screen.
  • A bug wherein attachments with identical names were suppressed from grid listing output has been fixed.
  • Updated Privacy and Terms of Use

May 2022: CLAIMS Direct CDWS 3.9.1 released

The following fixes and enhancements are included:

  • A bug that made the endpoint /attachment/update take minutes when no @limit parameter was given has been resolved.
  • system/dwh/loading endpoint is now streams aware. This resolved an issue when a @load_id parameter was from a non-xml stream, the endpoint returned HTTP 204.
  • In an effort to harmonize date output formats in the Reporting API, a new csv.datefmt option is available. Please see Reporting for more details.

May 2022: CLAIMS Direct Client Tools 2.6-3 released

The latest release of the client tools adds further enhancements to streams processing. In addition, package download integrity is maintained by the addition of an MD5 checksum.

April 2021: CLAIMS Direct Client Tools 2.6-1 released

This latest release introduces streams capability. This new feature allows the seamless integration of custom XML content, non-patent data sources and custom data filtering for on-site customers. Additionally, aidxd has a new argument --tolerate which directs aidxd to tolerate all errors and retry. This brings aidxd in line with the current behavior of apgupd. Due to the change of behavior, this argument is optional but future releases may make this the default behavior. If you wish to use it, simply add it to the CD_OTHER_OPTIONS option in /etc/alexandria/aidxd.conf ( CD_OTHER_OPTIONS='--tolerate'  ) and restart the daemon via systemctl.

March 2021: Attachment service enhancements

On March 20, 2021 we are releasing the following enhancements to the Shared Services /attachment endpoint:

  •  @exclude has been added as a parameter to the /attachment/fetchall endpoint. This allows you to exclude specified extensions from the package. See /attachment/fetchall for full details.
  • The attachment/abimage endpoint, which allows you to fetch a front page drawing or figure, has been enhanced to handle image manipulation. See /attachment/abimage for more details.

March 2021: Litigation API released

Global litigation data from MaxVal is now available on the CLAIMS Direct platform as an optional data subscription. Case details, outcomes, party data and more are available from multiple courts. The data is provided in a similar XML style to other CLAIMS Direct content, making it easy to integrate with other patent content. See Litigation to read more about how to access this service.

March 2021: Chinese Snapshots

From March through August, approximately 30 million IFI Snapshots will be added to our Chinese full text documents. This will allow Premium Plus subscribers to access IFI’s standardized names, patent status, expiration dates, and claims summaries for Chinese records. To read more about the IFI Snapshots and how they can help you, see IFI Snapshots Explained.

February 2021: IFI Snapshots

For over 70 years, IFI CLAIMS has created value-added data which provides an overview of a patent document at a particular moment. Our patent status, expiry dates, standardized names, and claims summaries have been relied upon by professionals for decades to provide the key information necessary to evaluate patents quickly and efficiently. We have now come up with a term which we feel captures the essence of this vital information: the IFI Snapshot. To read more about what IFI Snapshots are and how they can help you, see IFI Snapshots Explained.

Earlier Release Notes

Release notes prior to 2020 can be seen in the Archived Release Notes section.