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Comment: Reverted from v. 29


CLAIMS Direct is a web service that provides access to the IFI CLAIMS Global Patent Database, a


data warehouse that contains patent records from over


100 patenting authorities stored in a common


XML format. Each publication, including all published applications and granted patents, is represented by a separate record in the data.



data warehouse is indexed in


Solr, the fast open-source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. The search interface is a single search box, into which you can type simple or complex queries. The data warehouse is searchable by field


. Field names and sample searches are provided below, along with an introduction to CLAIMS Solr search basics. For more information about Solr searching, see the Solr Reference Guide.


titleImportant Information
  • Since the field names are case-sensitive, always use lower-case letters
  • Capitalize operators (AND, OR, NOT, TO)
  • Use straight quotes to enclose phrases. (Note: This is an issue only if you are cutting/pasting from another source where "smart quotes" may have been used.)

Boolean Operators



Solr index supports AND, OR, and NOT as Boolean operators. Boolean operators must be ALL CAPS. If you enter these operators in lower case letters, the system will search them as terms.

The AND operator matches documents where both terms exist anywhere in the text of a single document. This is equivalent to an intersection using sets. For example, to search for documents that contain "solar energy" and "heating",


use the following query: 

"solar energy" AND heating


The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after NOT. This is equivalent to a difference using sets. The symbol




can be used in place of the word NOT. For example, to search for documents that contain "solar energy" but not "heating", use the following query:


"solar energy" NOT heating


The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching document if either of the terms exist in a document. This is equivalent to a union using sets. The symbol || can be used in place of the word OR.


For example, to search for documents that contain either "solar energy" or "wind power",


use the following query:


"solar energy" OR "wind power"

Default Operator



Direct, the default operator is AND. This means that if no operator is specified, the system assumes AND. In the above examples, we explicitly included the operator in all cases for purposes of clarity.


Default Fields

When no field is specified in the query, the search is directed to the title, abstract, description, and claims



This means that if you are searching for multiple values in a specified field, you must place the query in parentheses or quotes. Otherwise, all of the values after the first space will be searched in the default fields.

For example, the following query will return erroneous results because it will search for "General" in the assignee field, but will search for "Electric" in the default fields:

asg:General Electric

To return the correct results, the entire phrase must be in quotes:

asg:"General Electric"

Similarly, parentheses must be used in searches containing Boolean operators such as "OR". The following search will not return the expected results because it will search for records which contain "a61j" in the CPC field OR "a61k" in the default fields:

cpc:a61j OR a61k

To return the correct results, both values must be placed in parentheses:

cpc:(a61j OR a61k)


? -- Use the question mark to represent a single character (one and only one) at the end or within a word. To search for British or American spellings, use a query like this: sterili?e.

* -- Use the asterisk to represent 0 to many characters. For example, to search for test, tests, testing, tester, etc., use the search: test*. To retrieve sulphur or sulfur, use the search: sul*ur.

Note: You cannot use a * or ? symbol as the first character of a search.

Range Searching

Range Queries


use the TO operator to match documents whose field


values are between


a specified lower and upper bound


. The brackets around a range query determine its inclusiveness:

  • Square brackets [ & ] are used to include the upper and lower bounds.
  • Curly brackets { & } are used to exclude the upper and lower bounds.

Note: In a range query, the operator




must be ALL CAPS.

For example, the following search will find documents whose publication dates have values between 20020101 and


20021231, including the specified dates:

pd:[20020101 TO 20021231]

You can also mix your use of brackets as in the following example, which will return records with publication dates of 20020101 through 20021231, but will not return records with a publication date of 20030101:

pd:[20020101 TO 20030101



Phrases and Proximity

A phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes, such as "fuel cell".


To retrieve only documents containing the phrase exactly as searched, place the phrase within quotes, as shown in the example below:


"fuel cell"



CLAIMS Solr supports finding words that are within a specific proximity to one another. To execute a proximity search, use the tilde


symbol "~"


at the end of a phrase. For example, to search for "solar" and "generation" within 5 words of each other in a document, use


the following search query:


"solar generation"





You cannot use a wildcard inside a phrase with the default parser. However, with the upgrade to


Solr version 4.8.1, it is now possible to search phrases that include wild cards and OR'd terms using the complex phrase parser


For more information about the


Solr Complex Phrase Query Parser, see








This type of search must be prefixed as a complex phrase. The specific syntax is as follows:

{!complexphrase}[field name]:[query]

To search abstracts for documents related to solar energy storage modules, use wild cards in your phrase query, as shown in the example below:

{!complexphrase}ab:"solar energy stor* modul*"~6


Although the default search for this index is to follow the words in the order specified, you can also search for a phrase containing these same words in any order, as shown in the example below:

{!complexphrase inOrder=false}ab:"solar energy stor* modul*"~6

To search abstracts for documents containing information about thermal barriers, you might use a complex phrase search such as the one provided in the example below:

{!complexphrase}ab:"(thermal OR thermic OR thermo) barrier"~8

Fuzzy Search 


The upgrade to


Solr 4.8.1


allows for fuzzy


searching based on the Levenshtein Distance. A fuzzy search query returns terms similar to the queried term




For example, the following query returns 'thermic


', 'thermo


', and '




, but it also returns 'dermal








If you want to fine-tune the results similarity, you can attach a parameter (a number from 0 to 1 -- with 1 being the highest similarity


) to the fuzzy search, following the tilde.


When this parameter is not specified, the system defaults to .5.

You can use fuzzy searches to ferret out spelling variations and errors. For example:





If you want to use fuzzy search within a phrase, you can use the complex phrase query parser, as shown in the example below:




In complex queries, the distance parameter can only be used within a phrase. However, the proximity parameter is also possible outside the phrase, as in this example:



thermal~.5 barrier"




Case Sensitivity

Searches in


CLAIMS Solr are not case-sensitive. Search terms may be entered in caps or lower case, regardless of case in the documents. The one exception to this rule is for facet or string fields. Because they return only exact matches, they are case-sensitive. These fields are identified as "string" fields in the Field Type column in their respective Solr Search Field tables.

Note: You must enter Operators in ALL CAPS and enter field names in lower case.



Complex Queries


Searches in CLAIMS


Solr can include multiple search fields and multiple criteria per field. A few examples are provided to illustrate these more complex queries. Please consult the


Solr Search Fields section for descriptions and additional search examples on a field-by-field basis.


To search for European or PCT applications published in 2010 that have title, abstract, and claims in English that concern intraocular lenses, the search syntax would look like this:


pnctry:(EP OR WO) AND
pd:[20100101 TO 20101231] AND
flags:(has_ttl_en AND has_ab_en AND has_clm_en) AND
ab:"intraocular lens"


The query can also be


written on a single line:


pnctry:(EP OR WO) AND pd:[20100101 TO 20101231] AND flags:(has_ttl_en AND has_ab_en AND has_clm_en) AND ab:"intraocular lens"


To search for US granted patents


published in the second quarter of 2010, issued to Chevron or Exxon or Total, the search syntax would look like this:


pnctry:US AND
pnkind:(B1 OR B2) AND
pd:[20100401 TO 20100630] AND
pa:(BP OR Exxon OR total)


To search for EP publications with


publication dates since 1 December 2010 in Cooperative Patent Classification H01G 9, the search syntax would look like this:


pnctry:EP AND
pd:[20101201 TO *] AND


To search for any publications in December 2010 in US Class 208/415


or Cooperative Patent Classification C10G 1/00, the search syntax would look like this:


(uc:208 OR cpc:c10g000100) AND
pd:[20101201 TO 20101231]




  • Since the field names are case-sensitive, always use lower case letters
  • Capitalize operators (AND, OR, NOT, TO)
  • Use straight quotes to enclose phrases. (Note: This is an issue only if you are cutting/pasting from another source where "smart quotes" may have been used.)

The Filter Query Box

You can use a filter query to restrict the superset of documents that are returned by the standard query. There are two advantages to using the filter query rather than including the restriction with your standard query: (1) The filter query does not affect the ranking score, and (2) It can increase the speed of complex queries since the filter query results are cached.

Options for Viewing and Analyzing Results

Options are shown in tabs on the upper right segment of the screen and include the following: General, Group, Facet, and More Like This (MLT). * You must select the Group, Facet, and More Like This (MLT) features using the Enable checkbox before you execute the search. The same tabs are present in the display section of the screen.


The General option allows selection of the fields you want to display in the result list, the order in which the results should be sorted, the number of rows to display per page, and the timeout (in seconds).


The Result Grouping option groups documents with a common field in like categories and returns the top documents for each category. Fields available for grouping must be single-value fields. When Group is enabled, the default result list is grouped. Note: When the Group option is enabled, the More Like This (MLT) option is disabled. Within the Group option, you can enable the following options:

  • Enable: Toggles the feature on/off
  • Field: Allows selection of a grouping parameter from the fields listed in the dropdown.
  • Limit:  Controls the number of documents to display in each group.
  • Sort: Determines the order of the group members. Any fields can be used in ascending (ASC) or descending (DSC) order.
  • Query: Performs like a sub-search in the groups. The input format is the same as for the standard search.
  • Func--: Function queries use functions and allow you to generate a relevancy score using the actual value of one or more numeric fields.


Faceting is the arrangement of search results into categories based on indexed terms. Facets are expressed in tabular and graphic formats. Within the Facet option, you can enable the following options:

  • Enable: Toggles the feature on/off.
  • Field: Allows selection of a faceting parameter from the fields listed in the dropdown. Multiple fields can be selected.
  • Limit:  Specifies the maximum number of facets to be returned for each field.
  • Sort: The parameter can be count (highest count first) or index (lexicographic by indexed term).
  • Offset: Specifies an offset into the facet results at which to begin displaying facets.
  • Missing: Controls whether SOLR should include a count of all matching results that have no value for the field.
  • Min. Count: Specifies the minimum counts required for a faceted field to be included in the response.

To set how Facet results are displayed, do the following:

On the Facet tab in the display area, one or more facet-field names are listed 

  1. Click the small > to the left of the facet-field name to expand the list.
  2. Double-click on the facet-field name on this screen to open the graphic display on the right side of the screen.
  3. Under the Settings button, select the style of the graphic and Export the graphic as PNG or JPEG.

More Like This (MLT)

More Like This constructs a query using terms from the selected document(s) to find similar documents. When More Like This is enabled, each document in the result set is processed to find similar documents, which are listed for each document in the result set. MLT contains the following features:

  • Enable: Toggles the feature on/off
  • Field: Allows selection of a More Like This parameter from the fields listed in the dropdown, either in the title or abstract search fields.
  • Count: Specifies the number of similar documents to be returned for each result.
  • Terms: Control how the MLT component presents the "interesting" terms (the top TF/IDF terms) for the query.  List lists terms; Details also lists boost value.
  • Mintf: Specifies the Minimum Term Frequency, below which words will be ignored in the source document.
  • Mindf: Specifies the Minimum Document Frequency. (Words that do not occur in at least "this many" documents will be ignored.)
  • Maxdf: Specifies the Maximum Document Frequency. (Words that occur in more than "this many" documents will be ignored.)
  • Boost: Specifies if the query will be boosted by the "interesting" term relevance.
  • Maxqt: Sets the maximum number of query terms to be included in the generated query.
  • Maxwl: Sets the maximum word length.
  • Minwl: Sets the minimum word length.
  • Qf: Query fields and their boosts.
Displaying More Like This Results
