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This page contains notifications of upcoming content changes.

For more information about past changes, please see the Release Notes.

Past notifications of required replacements received from our data sources can be found here.

Table of Contents

April 2024: Thailand data delayed

Data processing for TH was recently on hold due to technical changes at the source. Processing has now resumed and we are working on delivering the maximum available data in our upcoming delivery. The provider expects the data to be fully caught up in June 2024.

April 2024: Five full text countries added; Unitary Patent Snapshots and flags loaded

In the past few weeks, we have added five countries to the CLAIMS Direct Premium Plus full text collection, bringing our total number of full text countries to 55. The new countries include:

  • PH (Philippines)
  • SA (Saudi Arabia)
  • SG (Singapore)
  • UA (Ukraine)
  • ZA (South Africa)

We have also finished loading Snapshots to all Unitary Patent C0 records as well as the ep-up-requested flags, which indicate whether Unitary Patent protection has been requested for EP-B records.

February 2024: IFI Snapshots added to Unitary Patent C0 records

We will soon be loading IFI Snapshots for Unitary Patent (UP) C0 records. The C0 marker Snapshots will include the same attributes as those in EP granted records (kind code B*), except that the list of countries will only include those participating in the UP at the time of registration. The status of individual UP countries will all be the same, and the overall status of the UP will have the same attributes as the overall status of EP records, e.g., “Active”, “Expired-Fee Related”, “Expired-Lifetime”, “Revoked”, etc. A new status of “In-force UP" will be used for active UP-participating countries. See Case 4 in IFI Patent Status for examples.

January 2024: Five countries added to full text collection; Japanese back file extended


We have also extended the full text coverage of the JP back file back to 1983. Details for these changes are available in our Data Coverage Table.


February 2020: Availability of Google translations and improved Chinese data

We are currently in the process of adding English translations from Google Translate to our entire full text backfile with the exception of China, which is receiving improved English translations from a separate source. This may cause query results to differ over time as old translations are replaced.

The replacement involves an aggressive load schedule but will result in higher-quality text and faster availability of translations. For more information about the improvements the new translations will bring, see Translations.

The new translations are already present in our frontfile and are being added to the backfile one year at a time, working backward from the present. For specific progress, check the Translation Reload Status or contact

In addition to the full text fields, the new Chinese data source also affects names, keywords, legal status, and other fields, leading to greater accuracy in searches directed to a number of different fields. For more information, see Chinese Data Improvements.

January 2020: IFI is changing the rules for applicant/assignee name harmonization
