The Search services expose general full text searching across the entire patent collection using the SOLR Solr Query Syntax. All of Apache SOLR Solr search, relevance, sort, facet, and group functionality are available through this service. Additionally, although currently experimental, SOLR Solr Clusters utilizing the Clustering Component are available for input to 3rd party tools, such as Carrot2.
The PITR (Patent Intelligence & Technology Report) service offers users the ability to create pivot tables of data using the SOLR Solr JSON facet API.
The Update service is used to synchronize on-site installations of CLAIMS Direct.
The Litigation service exposes global litigation data provided by MaxVal. Case details, outcomes, party data and more are available from multiple courts. . It is available as a separate subscription.
IP Profiles
The IP Profiles service provides a succinct summary of the current patent assets held by corporate entities and their subsidiaries.
Service Limits
IFI CLAIMS is introducing shared-service quotas. Click on the link above for details.