Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


IFI Snapshots are available for the US, EPO, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain (without claims summaries), France, and Great Britain. Japanese records also have IFI's enhanced content, although currently without standardized names, and Japan. Chinese Snapshots are available for Premium Plus subscribers only. Availability by country can be viewed in table form on the ifi-integrated-content page.


No, we do not correct or alter the data we receive from our providers except to normalize data from multiple sources into a consolidated and coherent output format and XML structure. We do report known errors to patent authorities but we do not make changes to the data unless we receive corrected records from our providers. The one exception is the IFI Snapshot data, which we calculate. IFI’s patent status and expiration indicatorsshould not be considered authoritative. An attorney or the relevant patent office should be consulted for an authoritative expiration and status determination.

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What options are available for installing CLAIMS Direct on-site?

If you want to install CLAIMS Direct on

What does a publication or application date of 10101 or 19000101 mean?

If no date is present in the data we receive from our providers and a document-id element exists, a default value of 00010101 (which may appear as 10101) or 19000101 is inserted. This is done because a date value is required for our processing and to facilitate Solr searching. The 00010101 date is available in Solr responses only and is not present in the XML.

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What options are available for installing CLAIMS Direct on-site?

If you want to install CLAIMS Direct on-site, we recommend three possible options: stand-alone monolithic, basic distributed, and advanced distributed installation. These are discussed on the Installation Types page.


Yes. Please see our Step-by-Step Installation Guide. If you need are interested in our assistance with indexing the data warehouse, please contact your sales representative. For additional help, please contact us at


Instructions for installing CLAIMS Direct using AWS can be found on the AWS Installation page.

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How often is the data updated?

The CLAIMS Direct update schedule can be seen on the Content Updates page.


With hosted services, you don’t need to worry about updates. It is easy to identify newly updated records via the API. For an on-site server, there is an update process that uses a web service to retrieve data updates that are published sequentially. The server downloads the new data, updates the XML repository, and triggers a Solr indexing process if you are running that server. There are a variety of load types, but all of this and more is explained in more detail on the Content Update Architecture page.

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What tools are involved in the updates?

CLAIMS Direct uses the utilities apgupd and aidxd. See Update Utilities for more information.

For information about configuring a server to process updates, see the Processing Server page.

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How can I tell which records have been updated?

For on-site instances, the modified_load_id indicates the last time a record was modified and therefore can be used to track updates. This topic is discussed in more detail in the blog post Sorting Through Data Warehouse Updates.


The full text can also be viewed using CDWI (see Viewing the XML Record).

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How can I access patent images?

Attachments are housed on a specific attachment server. You may retrieve them through the Attachments service using our API.


wget -O- \
  --header 'x-user:x' \
  --header 'x-password:y' \


To get the first drawing (the image that normally appears with the abstract), make this abimage call: 


Some images appear to be missing from CLAIMS Direct. Is there a way to access them?

Japanese records frequently contain multi-page TIFFs. Multi-page TIFFs are indicated when multiple id attributes point to the same file. Many TIFF readers do not read any image data beyond the first IFD (image file directory). Therefore, you may see only the first page.

For example, 2007280735.tif is a multi-page TIFF containing the front page (000001), the abstract drawing (000002), and the drawing sheets (000003-000012) referenced in the drawings section of the XML:


Code Block
<img id="000003" he="101" wi="75" file="2007280735.tif" img-format="tif" img-content="drawing"/>
<img id="000004" he="65" wi="70" file="2007280735.tif" img-format="tif" img-content="drawing"/>
<!-- etc … ->
<img id="000012" he="33" wi="53" file="2007280735.tif" img-format="tif" img-content="drawing"/>

A list of viewers providing proper handling of multi-page TIFFs can be found here.

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Can I see the XML DTD and schema?


Reports can also be created through CDWI. See Report Options for instructions.

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Are there limits on the API services?

IFI CLAIMS introduced shared-service quotas beginning in the third quarter of 2019. Rate limits for shared services vary based on your subscription and service levels although the standard rate limit for most shared services ranges from 60-240 request units per window per client login, where window can range from 1 minute to 1 day. You can read more about these quotas here. In addition, there are some limits applied to the individual services. All of the API services which take multiple ucids as parameters have a limit of 100 documents per batch. That number provides a good balance between time to prepare the extract and time to push it across the network. The Search and Reporting services are limited to returning 30K documents per batch because deep paging can place undue stress on the system.


For example, if you wanted to search for everything in CPC class A61K 9/2893 , the most efficient method would be to search by CPC level 5: cpcl5:A61K00092893


How do I search for a particular applicant or assignee?

There are several fields you can use to search for an applicant or assignee. See Associated Parties for a full list of searchable parties. Many of these fields are available in various formats, including the original format as filed by the applicant and the EPO’s standardized format. More information about formats can be found on the Common XML Attributes page.

A particularly helpful field to be aware of is the pa field, which provides a comprehensive search of the applicant, assignee, and reassignee fields. We also offer search fields like asgfull which allow you to search the name and address fields together, which may help to distinguish entities with the same name in different locations.

For countries which have IFI Snapshots, we offer standardized names. As you can see on the IFI Snapshots page, we provide standardized names for the original and current assignees. Similar to the pa field, there is an ifi_pa field which provides a comprehensive search of the original and current standardized assignees. Additional information about our standardized names can be found on the ifi-integrated-content page.

Before you conduct any searches, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the searching options available in CLAIMS Direct using the Solr Searching Guide.

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