Versions Compared


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Reporting provides a set of services to create, process, and retrieve either CSV extracts or XML extracts from CLAIMS Direct.

In brief, to you can use the interface to do the following:


Note that whereas CSV reporting does allow you to select the columns or fields that you want included in the report, the XML output assumes you want the complete XML record. Also note that whereas the XML output does allow for batching of the output into multiple files in order to keep file sizes manageable, the CSV report assume assumes you want everything in one file.


Method(s)GET | POST



Parameter ValuesDescription
 @nameString: ex. test-report-01Report name
 @typeString: ex. csvReport type, one of 'csv' or 'xml' (default=xml)
 @sourceString: ex. searchReport source, one of 'search', 'list' or 'table' (default=list)
 @criteriaString: ex. pnctry:us AND solar

Report criteria. Depending on @source, this will be either a valid SOLR search query, a space, comma or new-line-separated list of ucids or an existing schema-qualified DWH table name containing the required column ucid.



For long ucid lists and complicated queries, the POST method should be used.

 @solrparamsunused, set internally 
 @solrurlunused, set internally 
 The following options pertain to @type = csv
 @csv.colsString: ex. c1,c2

Comma-separated list of columns to include. Columns will be output in order given.
Currently available columns:


Columns containing multiple values will be separated by the '|' character, e.g. US | EP | WO

document-ucidDocument identifier (ucid)
document-countryCountry of publication
document-numberPatent/Publication number
document-kindPublication kind code
document-dateDate of publication (YYYYMMDD)
document-yearYear (YYYY) of publication
application-ucidApplication filing identifier (ucid)
application-countryFiling country
application-numberFiling number
application-kindFiling kind code
application-dateDate of filing (YYYYMMDD)
priority-numberPriority numbers (ucids)
priority-countryPriority countries
priority-datePriority filing dates (YYYYMMDD)
priority-yearPriority filing years (YYYY)
us-class-primaryPrimary US classification
us-classAll US classifications
patent-citationsPatent citations
forward-citationsForward citations
related-applicationsRelated applications
assignee-applicantAssignee / Applicants
epo-assignee-applicantDOCDB standardized Assignees / Applicants
pct-application-numberPCT filing number (ucid)
designated-statesEP and PCT designated states
abstractEnglish Abstract or, if no English abstract exists, the abstract in the language of publication
first-claimFirst claim
original-claimsClaims in language of publication
espacenet-linkURL to espacenet
simple-familyList of ucids sharing the same family id
inpadoc-familyExtended family
legal-statusLegal status
titleEnlish English language title or, if not present, title in publication language
ifi-expirationIFI Patent Expiration
ifi-statusIFI Patent Status
ifi-adj-expirationIFI Adjusted Patent Expiration
ifi-assigneeIFI Assignee
ifi-assignee-originalOriginal, as published, assignee
ifi-assignee-currentCurrent IFI assignee
ifi-assignee-probableProbable IFI assignee
family-idSimple family integer identifier
date-producedDate on which CLAIMS Direct XML was produced
 @csv.headerBool: ex. 1[ 0 | 1 ] Include column headers.
 @csv.nonlBool: ex. 1[ 0 | 1 ] Replace new lines (nl) with spaces
 @csv.maxcolsizeInteger: ex 32The maximum number of bytes allowed per column (overflow will be truncated). This value is assumed to be Kilobytes.


response object
 @statussuccess | error
 @timeinternal request time in seconds
 @report.idthe unique identifier of the report.
 @messageIn case of error, this may optionally contain the reason for failure
