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CLAIMS® SOLR supports finding words that are a within a specific proximity to one another. To execute a proximity search, use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a phrase. For example, to search for "solar" and "generation" within 5 words of each other in a document, use the the following search query:


Searches in CLAIMS® SOLR are not case-sensitive. Search terms may be entered in caps or lower case, regardless of case in the documents.

Note: You must enter Operators must in ALL CAPS and enter field names in lower case.


Important Information:
  • Since the field names are case-sensitive, always use lower case letters
  • Capitalize operators (AND, OR, NOT, TO)
  • Use straight quotes to enclose phrases. (Note: This is an issue only if you are cutting/pasting from another source where "smart quotes" may have been used.)


You can use a filter query to restrict the superset of documents that are returned by the standard query. There are two advantages to using the filter query rather than including the restriction with your standard query: (1) The filter query does not affect score, and (2) It can increase the speed of complex queries since the filter query results are cached.


  • Enable: Toggles the feature on/off
  • Field: Allows selection of a grouping parameter from the fields listed in the dropdown.
  • Limit:  Controls the number of documents to display in each group.
  • Sort: Determines the order of the group members. Any fields can be used in ascending (ASC) or descending (DSC) order.
  • Query: Performs like a sub-search in the groups. The input format is the same as for the standard search.
  • Func--: Function queries use functions and allow you to generate a relevancy score using the actual value of one or more numeric fields.


  • Enable: Toggles the feature on/off.
  • Field: Allows selection of a faceting parameter from the fields listed in the dropdown. Multiple fields can be selected.
  • Limit:  Specifies the maximum number of facets to be returned for each field.
  • Sort: The parameter can be count (highest count first) or index (lexicographic by indexed term).
  • Offset: Specifies an offset into the facet results at which to begin displaying facets.
  • Missing: Controls whether SOLR should include a count of all matching results that have no value for the field.
  • Min. Count: Specifies the minimum counts required for a faceted field to be included in the response.

To set the how Facet results are displayed, do the following:


  • Enable: Toggles the feature on/off
  • Field: Allows selection of a More Like This parameter from the fields listed in the dropdown, either in the title or abstract search fields.
  • Count: Specifies the number of similar documents to be returned for each result.
  • Terms: Control how the MLT component presents the "interesting" terms (the top TF/IDF terms) for the query.  List lists terms; Details also lists boost value.
  • Min. tfMintf: Specifies the Minimum Term Frequency, below which words will be ignored in the source document.
  • Min. dfMindf: Specifies the Minimum Document Frequency. (Words that do not occur in at least "this many" documents will be ignored.)
  • Max. dfMaxdf: Specifies the Maximum Document Frequency. (Words that occur in more than "this many" documents will be ignored.)
  • Boost: Specifies if the query will be boosted by the "interesting" term relevance.
  • Max. qtMaxqt: Sets the maximum number of query terms to be included in the generated query.
  • Max. wlMaxwl: Sets the maximum word length.
  • Min. wlMinwl: Sets the minimum word length.
  • Qf: Query fields and their boosts.
