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apgupd is the mechanism through which client instances communicate with the IFI primary instance and the only method of obtaining new or updated content for the client PostgreSQL database. You will need authentication credentials from IFI CLAIMS in order to communicate with the IFI primary server.


Code Block
	apgupd [ Options ... ]

  apgupd Options
  --url=URL     URL for update methods
  --user=s       User name  default: test (will fail)
  --password=s   Password   default: test (will fail)
  --noindex      Don't queue up indexing
  --force        Force the update even if it is redundant
  --tmp=dir      Specify temporary file storage. default=/tmp/
  --pgdbname=s   Specify configuration database entry
                  default: alexandria
  --facility=s   Logging facility (default=apgupd)
  --noclean      Do not remove temporary processing directory. Default is to clean.
                   NOTE: this option should only be used to debug errors
  --apgupexe=s   Specify non-default apgup script (used for debugging)
                   Default is apgup as found in PATH environment
  Process Options
  --nodaemon    Don't put process into background. Default is to daemonize
  --interval=i  n-seconds between probing for new updates. Default=10
                Exit on error. This will terminate the process in
                case of an error at any stage of the update
  --help        Print this usage and exit
