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@ucidString: ex. US-20100077592-A1Document identifier
@multiBoolean: 1|0Specifies an alternative response format suitable for multi-ucid input, e. Exg., ?ucid=US-5551212-A,EP-0700000-A2


In the event that the ucid has no attachments, HTTP 204 (Not Found) will be returned if @multi attribute is not specified, otherwise. Otherwise, an empty JSON attachment list with count : 0 will be returned. The returned JSON is an array containing anonymous structures. The keys to the anonymous structure, i.e., media, path, and size, correspond identically with that of the XML response. Please see below for details. The attribute @count is the total number of attachments residing in the data store for the corresponding ucid. If @count > 0, a list of attachment elements follows. The attributes are described below.


Internet media type, i.e., text/xml and image/tiff. There are other types of attachments, e.g., ChemDraw, Chemical Expression, and Mathmatica but there are currently no standard internet media types and hence, this attribute will be populated with non-standard media types. The following attachments, corresponding file name extension, and internet media types are available.

Tagged Image FormatTIF(F)image/tiff
Extensible Markup LanguageXMLtext/xml
Chemical ExpressionMOLapplication/chemexpres
Portable Document FormatPDFapplication/pdf
Portable Network GraphicsPNGimage/png

The relative path by which the attachment can be retrieved in a subsequent call using /attachment/fetch

@sizeSize, in bytes, of attachment
@filenameName of file as stored in the attachments server


The request Accept header is irrelevant with regard to response format. In the event of a system failure involving attachment availability between calls to /attachment/list and /attachment/fetch, the HTTP response code 404 Not Found will be returned. If this rare situation arises, it is advised to call list to retrieve valid @path attributes.


Parameter ValuesDescription
@ucidString: e.g., EP-0700000-B1Document identifier



Parameter ValuesDescription
@ucidString: e.g., US-20160000001-A1Document identifier
