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Parameter ValuesDescription
 @idString: ex. US-5551212[,EP 0700000]One of more application or document numbers to retrieve. Multiple @ids are separate by the comma.
 @include-optionalInteger: ex. 1The default response contains a subset of available content. To include all available content (as denoted above under Content), set this parameter to 1.
 @includeString: ex. inventorsInclude only a subset of optional content.
 @excludeString: ex . publicationsExclude particular content.
 @include-onlyString: ex. effectiveIncludes only the content specified. The top-level ucid member is always included by default.
 @originString: ex EP or WO

When the origin of an application input is either EP or WO, this parameter should be specified. If there are multiple @ids, input of origin-per-id is accomplished through subscripts. For example, assume two input ids


You could specify origin specifically for the FR document as follows:


If origin is specified without a subscript and there are multiple input ids, the origin specified applies to all inputs.

 @dateInteger: ex. 19960101

If given, this parameter increases performance and confidence in the input-matching process. The same method of explicitly targeting a specific input with origin applies to date as well, e.g.,

