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Yes. We provide full-page PDFs, clipped images, drawings, chemistry files, and other non-textual files delivered by patent offices. Access to the images will differ depending on your subscription level. We also offer a bulk attachment service which provides access to complete copies of recently published attachments packaged in a convenient archive. Please see the Data Coverage table to see what types of images are available for specific countries. For more information about the types of images available and how to access them, see the Attachment Server Description and Coverage page.

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Which countries have IFI's enhanced content


such as patent status, expiry dates, standardized names, and claims summaries?

The ifi-integrated-content is available for the US, EPO, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain (without claims summaries), France, and Great Britain. Japanese records also have IFI's enhanced content, although currently without standardized names. Availability of the IFI container can be viewed in table form on the ifi-integrated-content page.  Note that access will differ based on your subscription level. In general, if you have access to the full text data for a particular country, then you will also have access to the IFI enhanced data for that country.

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Access to this container is available to all subscription levels.

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Do you have PAIR/PEDS data?

PAIR/PEDS data is available through the Legal Status service of our API. This service provides transaction histories from PEDS which, according to the USPTO, may lag behind Public PAIR by a few days. Since this service is currently BETA, request parameters and response formats may change.


How long does it take for translations to become available?

Our translations often do not appear concurrently with the newly published documents for a couple of reasons. For many countries, translations arrive through a service separate from the original application or grant. You can see the breadth of those on the CLAIMS Direct Load Sources page.Our typical delivery schedule, including the timing of translations, may be found on the Content Updates page. The applications and grants essentially need to be published as soon as they’re ready due to the significance of that publication. As a practical matter, the publication cannot be held back while waiting for translationtypical delivery schedule, including the timing of translations, may be found on the Content Updates page. We are now providing English translations from Google Translate with the exception of China, which is receiving improved English translations from a separate source.  This change has increased the speed with which translations are available. For all countries except China, translations are now provided one day after the availability of the original text. For Chinese records, English translations are available one day after the publication date.

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Do you provide citations?


You can also see PDFs and attachments in CDWI. Do a search and produce a list of documents. Right click on a document and render "PDF" or “Attachments”. For attachments, you will see a list of available attachments and can click to open them. For biological and chemical patents, there are sometimes .MOL (molecule files) and .SEQ (genetic sequence files). 

We also offer a bulk attachment service which provides access to complete copies of recently published attachments packaged in a convenient archive.

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Can I see the XML DTD and schema?


Are there limits on the API services?

IFI CLAIMS is introducing introduced shared-service quotas beginning in the third quarter of 2019. All shared services will now be are limited to 4 request units per second (QPS) per client login and 240 request units per minute per client login. You can read more about these quotas here. In addition, there are some limits applied to the individual services. The Text service has a limit of 100 documents per batch. That number seems to provide a good balance between time to prepare the extract and time to push it across the network. The Citation, Family, and Attachments services can tolerate more. We do not have an upper limit for those, but do suggest that you try to hold the maximum to about 500. The limit for Search and Reporting is 30K documents per batch because deep paging can place undue stress on the system.


Before you conduct any searches, we recommended recommend that you familiarize yourself with the searching options available in CLAIMS Direct using the SOLR Searching Guide.


Before you conduct any searches, we recommended recommend that you familiarize yourself with the searching options available in CLAIMS Direct using the SOLR Searching Guide.


Before you conduct any searches, we recommended recommend that you familiarize yourself with the searching options available in CLAIMS Direct using the SOLR Searching Guide.
