Versions Compared


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Note: It is recommended to copy and paste the code provided in these instructions.

1.  If you are using CentOS 7, add the epel repository.

Code Block
yum -y install epel-release

If you are using RHEL 7, use the following code to add the epel repository. Otherwise, continue to step 2.

Code Block
yum -y install$(rpm -E '%{rhel}').noarch.rpm

2. Install the appropriate repository for your operating system using the command listed in the Repository column below.  If If necessary, adjust the code to reflect the version you are using.

32. After installing the repository, run a yum update to pull in the patched version of libxml2 from the IFI CLAIMS repository.



Note: If there are conflicts, change the command line to yum --allowerasing update as directed. Reboot if kernel was upgraded.

43. Install the Alexandria client tools package.

Code Block
yum -y install perl-Alexandria-Library perl-Alexandria-Client-Tools

54. Configure PostgreSQL user and password.


Note: If you are installing the client tools on a different machine from your PostgreSQL instance, you will need to change the database entry in the configuration file /etc/alexandria.xml, e.g., the default should reflect the host (IP address) of your PostgreSQL instance. If you added a password for user alexandria (or changed user at all), you would modify @user/@password entries as well. For example, if your PostgreSQL instance is running on, the configuration entry would look like this:

Code Block
<database name="alexandria" host="" port="5432" user="alexandria" password="alexandria">
      <atts pg_errorlevel="0" AutoCommit="1" RaiseError="1" PrintError="0" LongTruncOk="0" LongReadLen="10485760" />

65. Configure CLAIMS Direct user name and password.
Edit /etc/alexandria/apgupd.conf and replace CD_USER and CD_PASSWORD entries appropriately.


Code Block
# Credentials given by IFI to access updates

76. Enable the service.

Code Block
# Amazon
chkconfig apgupd
# CentOS / RHEL
systemctl enable apgupd.service

87. Start the service.

Code Block
# Amazon
service apgupd start
# CentOS / RHEL
systemctl start apgupd.service
