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A complete list of our data coverage by country, year, and kind can be found in our Data Coverage table. You can also use this table to see which countries have full-text data and images, as well as what languages are available for each country. Note that coverage will differ The extent of coverage differs based on your subscription level.


Yes. We provide full-page PDFs, clipped images, drawings, chemistry files, and other non-textual files delivered by patent offices. Access to the images will differ differs depending on your subscription level. We also offer a bulk attachment Bulk Attachment service which provides access to complete copies of recently published attachments packaged in a convenient archive. Please see Consult the Data Coverage table to see what types of images are available for specific countries. For more information about the types of images available and how to access them, see the Attachment Server Description and Coverage page.

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Which countries have IFI Snapshots including patent status, expiry dates, standardized names, and claims summaries?


We receive some design patents from DocDB so there are some records with bibliographic information in the database. However, in general, we do not cover design patents, and full text is not available for these records. A quick way to find what which designs are available in CLAIMS Direct is to query by kind code since all of them share kind code "S". "E" is also used for design reissues. Therefore, you would search on pnkind:(S* OR E*). You can then see the country coverage for designs by faceting your query by patent country (pnctry). For more information about how to use faceting in CDWI, see the Facet page.


US provisional patents are only available in CLAIMS Direct if they have been published by the USPTO. Provisional patents are generally not published, so they are rarely available in CLAIMS Direct. When a US provisional patent is transformed to a "normal" patent, then it is published. The new patent will have different publication and application numbers, but the application number of the provisional patent is always included in the priority data of any member of the family. This application number is the one with a kind code "P" as kind code. You can find them by querying ankind:P AND anctry:US. Other countries can may work differently. Some of them publish provisional patents, like such as Australia. Also, the effect of a provisional patent can may be different in different countries.


Yes. Simple family IDs, as assigned by DocDB, are available through both CDWI and CDWS using the search field fam. Note that IFI IFI CLAIMS assigns a default a default family ID of -1 if we have not received a family ID from DocDB. If you see this value, it means either that the record is not available in DocDB or we have we have not yet received the DocDB record. In the latter case, the family ID will be populated once we receive the DocDB record.

Extended families are only available through CDWS. The reason This is that because the extended family can expand literally daily so it must be generated as needed. Instructions on how to access family information through the API can be found on the the Family page. To access family data through an on-site instance, see Leveraging On-Site Citation and Family Functionality.


We also provide USPTO PAIR data through the API's Legal Status service service. However, this This service is currently BETA so request parameters and response formats may change.

For countries which contain IFI Snapshots, IFI calculates current legal status. This includes anticipated expiration dates, information about regulatory extensions, terminal disclaimers, and more. All of this information can be found in the ifi-patent-status container container in the XML files, which can be retrieved using the text Text service. For more information, see our documentation on the ifi-integrated-content.


CLAIMS Direct uses the utilities apgupd and aidxd. See Update Utilities for more information.

For more information about configuring a server to process updates, see the the Processing Server page.

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Most updates affect patents that haven't expired yet or have expired recently, but there are some exceptions. For example, if there is a change in a CPC class that affects records related to a specific class code, then all records with that class code would will be updated, whether they are expired or not.


This will return a list (in JSON) of the available attachments, and with links to fetch them. The file names should correspond with the figure references in the document. 

You can also see PDFs and attachments in CDWI. Do a search and produce a list of documents. Right click on a document and render "PDF" or “Attachments”. For attachments, you will see a list of available attachments and which you can click to open them. For biological and chemical patents, there are sometimes .MOL (molecule files) and .SEQ (genetic sequence) files)

We also offer a bulk attachment Bulk Attachment service which provides access to complete copies of recently published attachments packaged in a convenient archive.


IFI CLAIMS introduced shared-service quotas beginning in the third quarter of 2019. All shared services are limited to Rate limits for shared services vary based on your subscription and service levels although the standard rate limit for most shared services range from 60-240 request units per minute per client login. You can read more about these quotas here. In addition, there are some limits applied to the individual services. The Text service has a limit of 100 documents per batch. That number seems to provide provides a good balance between time to prepare the extract and time to push it across the network. The Citation, Family, and Attachments services can tolerate more. We do not have an upper limit for those, but do suggest that you try to hold the maximum to about 500.  The The limit for Search and Reporting is 30K documents per batch because deep paging can place undue stress on the system.


For instructions on how to search using the CLAIMS Direct Web Interface (CDWI), see the CDWI guideGuide.

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What fields are available for searching?

Fields available for searching in CLAIMS Direct, along with tips and examples, can be seen in the SOLR Search Fields section section. Note that tThe CLAIMS Direct SOLR index does not store all text. This means that although the entire index is searchable, only certain fields are available for inclusion in a result set. Retrievable fields are marked as "stored" in the SOLR Search Fields tables. You can also find them in the schema where @stored="true", or use the schema method of the Search service to inspect field attributes.


There are several ways to search for a particular patent number in CLAIMS Direct. You would use the Use the an field to search for an application number, and pn to search for a patent number. You may also search for a ucid, which is a unique document identifier comprised of the country, document number, and kind code, e.g., US-96142365-A.


If you have a list of numbers to search, you may use the List search option in CDWI, which you can read about here. This option includes a validation feature which will convert converts some patent publication numbers into CLAIMS Direct's standard ucid format.


l1=class, e.g., 161
l2=class+subclass (as integral number), e.g., 161234
l3=class+subclass with trailing decimal if exists, e.g., 161234 [.xxx] -->

So, for For example, if you wanted to search for everything in CPC class class A61K 9/2893 , the most efficient method would be to search by CPC level 5: cpcl5:A61K00092893


A particularly helpful field to be aware of is the pa field, which provides a comprehensive search of the applicant, assignee, and reassignee fields. We also offer search fields like asgfull that which allow you to search the name and address fields together, which may help to distinguish entities with the same name in different locations.
