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September 2022: New CLAIMS Direct Client Tools support transition to HTTPS

We are transitioning the Shared Services API and on-site update client communication from the HTTP protocol to HTTPS exclusively. To support this transition, the new release of perl-Alexandria-Client-Tools defaults to HTTPS for both API communications and update package downloads. On-site customers should install the new client tools by November 1, 2022.

May 2022: CLAIMS Direct CDWI 2.9.1 released


For over 70 years, IFI CLAIMS has created value-added data which provides an overview of a patent document at a particular moment. Our patent status, expiry dates, standardized names, and claims summaries have been relied upon by professionals for decades to provide the key information necessary to evaluate patents quickly and efficiently. We have now come up with a term which we feel captures the essence of this vital information: the IFI Snapshot. To read more about what IFI Snapshots are and how they can help you, see IFI Snapshots Explained.

November 2020: Names API released

The Names API is now available to Premium Plus subscribers. This service allows users to retrieve CLAIMS Direct IFI names and name variations as well as ultimate corporate owners and subsidiaries. More information about how to use this service is available here.

July 2020: Source attribution added

As required by the French Patent and Trademark office (INPI), we have released a patch which adds a source attribution. The patch is available through the following link:

Installation instructions and further details are included in the README file. On-site installations must apply this patch before August 1, 2020.

June 2020: Support for RHEL/CentOS 8

CLAIMS Direct now supports RHEL/CentOS 8. Instructions for new instances have been incorporated into the PostgreSQL Installation Instructions and the repository information is provided in the Software Requirements on our PostgreSQL page.

June 2020: New PostgreSQL schema and tools package

In an effort to further streamline CLAIMS Direct PostgreSQL schema versioning, we are introducing a schema and tools package into the CLAIMS Direct yum repository. The new package will offer the main CLAIMS Direct database schema as well as the supporting users database to support deployment of on-site web services. The package contains the SQL to create the database(s) supporting PostgreSQL versions 9.2 - 10.x, as well as tools to check installation, populate the tables, perform extracts, and more. See PostgreSQL Schema and Tools for more information about the package, including instructions on how to install it.

April 2020: CDWS/CDWI report expirations

Going forward, reports created using the CDWS endpoint /reports and CDWI reporting interface will expire after 6 months and will be automatically removed. We intend to begin the pruning on June 6, 2020. Please download any reports older than 6 months that you wish to keep.

April 2020: Client Tools 2.5.3 release notes


This release contains changes pertaining to how the software is deployed on the system. At the end of 2017, we moved to an RPM-based software distribution by introducing the IFI CLAIMS Direct repository. This release further aligns the installation with distribution standards. The following enhancements are included in v.2.5.3:

  1. An unprivileged service account is created and controls processes and configuration files.
    The new user alexandria will be created on installation or upgrade whose home directory will be /var/lib/alexandria. 
  2. Configuration files are located in the standard system configuration directory.
    All tools included in the Client::Tools package require a valid alexandria.xml file for database and index settings. This file is now located in the standard system configuration directory /etc. In addition, configuration files pertaining to systemd and init.d control are located in the directory /etc/alexandria. 
  3. Log files are located in standard system logging directory ( /var/log/alexandria ). 
    By default, this will be /var/log/alexandria/alexandria.log. 
  4. Data warehouse updating and SOLR indexing daemons are controlled through systemd and init.d. 
    For CentOS 8 and RHEL 7, the service files apgupd.service and aidxd.service will be installed in the systemd service file directory to enable, disable, start and stop the services. For Amazon (amz1), the service files apgupd.init and aidxd.init will be installed in /etc/rc.d/init.d to enable standard chkconfig  and service start, stop, restart and status commands.

Upgrade Paths

  • Upgrading Alexandria-Client-Tools from versions earlier than 2.1.1 (non-repository versions):
    Please contact
  • Upgrading Alexandria-Client-Tools from version 2.1.1 and above (repository-controlled versions):

    Code Block
    yum update perl-Alexandria-Library
    yum update perl-Alexandria-Client-Tools

    Please note there are two new configuration files /etc/alexandria/apgupd.conf  and /etc/alexandria/aidxd.conf which require editing for appropriate user name and password to interact with the CLAIMS Direct primary update server. See Client Tools documentation for details.

January 2020: On-site citation and family functionality

With the deployment of the cumulative patch alexandria-sql-patch-alpa-3636-20191101, on-site CLAIMS Direct installations gained the ability to utilize family and citation functionality in-house. We are now offering a supplemental patch which will allow bulk loading of the tables needed to support these new functions. The new patch also expands the available functionality to make citation and family data easier to access. The supplemental patch is available through the following link: For a full discussion of how to use these new functions, see Leveraging On-Site Citation and Family Functionality.

Earlier Release Notes

Release notes prior to 2020 can be seen in the Archived Release Notes section.