Versions Compared


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Operating SystemRepository
RHEL/CentOS Rocky 8
yumsudo dnf -y install \
Note: This installs EPEL and the PowerTools repositories.
sudo dnf -y install epel-release
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
sudo dnf clean all
Amazon Linux 2
sudo yum -y install \

2. If you are using Amazon Linux 2, install the EPEL repository.



sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y


sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel

32. After installing the repository, run a yum update to pull in the patched version of libxml2 from the IFI CLAIMS repository.

Code Block
sudo yum update libxml2

Note: If there are conflicts, change the command line to yum --allowerasing update as directed. Reboot if kernel was upgraded.

4. 3. Install the Alexandria client tools package.

Code Block
sudo yum -y install perl-Alexandria-Library perl-Alexandria-Client-Tools

54. Configure PostgreSQL user and password.


Note: If you are installing the client tools on a different machine from your PostgreSQL instance, you must change the database entry in the configuration file /etc/alexandria.xml, e.g., the default should reflect the host (IP address) of your PostgreSQL instance. If you added a password for user alexandria (or changed user at all), you must modify @user/@password entries as well. For example, if your PostgreSQL instance is running on, the configuration entry will look like this:

Code Block
<database name="alexandria" host="" port="5432" user="alexandria" password="alexandria">
      <atts pg_errorlevel="0" AutoCommit="1" RaiseError="1" PrintError="0" LongTruncOk="0" LongReadLen="10485760" />

65. Configure CLAIMS Direct user name and password.
Edit /etc/alexandria/apgupd.conf and replace CD_USER and CD_PASSWORD entries appropriately.


Code Block
# Credentials given by IFI to access updates

76. Enable the service.

Code Block
# Amazon
chkconfig apgupd
# CentOS RHEL/ RHELRocky
systemctl enable apgupd.service

87. Start the service.

Code Block
# Amazon
service apgupd start
# CentOS RHEL/ RHELRocky
systemctl start apgupd.service
