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aext is a tool used to extract full XML documents out of CLAIMS Direct. It  It is installed as part of the package Alexandria::Client::ToolsCLAIMS Direct repository. Please see the Client Tools Installation Instructions for more information about how to install this tool.

Code Block
aext [ Options ... ]
  --pgdbname=s      Database configuration name (default=alexandria)
  --solrurl=s       SOLR index url (default=
  --loadid=i        modified-load-id to extract
  --table=s         extract from table
  --sqlq=s          extract from SQL statement
  --solrq=s         extract from SOLR query
  --root=s          directory to deposit output file(s) or into which files will be archived
  --prefix=s        prefix for output files (default=batch)
  --archive         archive data into predictable path structure
  --nthreads=i      number of parallel processes (default=4)
  --batchsize=i     number of documents per process (default=500)
  --dbfunc=s        specific user-defined database function
