Versions Compared


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asrch is a command-line tool used to search an optional on-site installation of SOLR and extract data either in SOLR response format or complete CLAIMS Direct XML. It  It is installed as part of the package Alexandria::Client::ToolsCLAIMS Direct repository. Please see the Client Tools Installation Instructions for more information about how to install this tool.

Code Block
asrch [Options ...] query
  --url=s       search URL (excluding /select)
  --raw         output raw SOLR XML
  --count       output total documents found
  --maxrows=i   maximum documents to output
                  this argument is ignored when using --table
  --output=file specify output file
  --dtdpublic=pi  Public Identifier for DTD
  --dtdsystem=si  System Identifier for DTD
  Output Options
  --archive     archive result set documents into predictable path
                directory structure (Alexandria XML only)
                root directory to place result set (default=.)
  --wrapper=s   wrap multiple documents in wrapper-named element
  --pretty      indent output
  SOLR Options
  --solropt=s@  Solr options.
    e.g., --solropt=sort=f1,f2,f3 --solropt=rows=30
  DWH Options
  --pgdbname     as defined in /etc/alexandria.xml (default=alexandria)
  --dbfunc       extract UDF (default=xml.f_patent_document_s)
  --table=s      If specified, a table of UCIDs/publication_ids is
                 created -- could later be used for indexing
    --truncate  truncate --table if it currently exists
  --help         print this usage and exit
