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Indexing into SOLR is controlled by an indexing daemon: aidxd. This daemon probes PostgreSQL for available load-id(s) to index. This "queue" is represented by the table reporting.t_client_index_process. See Data Warehouse Design for more information on the structure of this table. When processing is successfully completed into PostgreSQL, apgupd registers a new, index-ready load-id. The indexing daemon aidxd recognizes this as an available load-id and begins the indexing process for that particular load-id. aidxd is installed as part of the CLAIMS Direct repository. Please see the Client Tools Installation Instructions for more information about how to install this tool.


Code Block
	aidxd [ Options ... ]
  --nodaemon    don't put process into background
    --once      only process one load-id
  --pidfile=s   specify location of PIDFILE
  --interval=i  n-seconds between probing for new loads
  --tmp=dir     specify temporary file storage (default=/tmp)
  --clean       remove temporary processing directory
  --batchsize=i maximum number of documents to parallelize
  --nthreads=i  maximum number of processes to parallelize
  --facility=s  logging facility (default=aidxd)
  --help        print this usage and exit
  --idxversion= 21
  --idxcls=s    Alexandria::DWH::Index::DocumentEx
  --idxexe=s    specify indexing script (default aidx)
    --quiet     suppress output from sub-process
                NOTE: suppressing this output will make it difficult
                      to track down errors originating in --idxexe
  --solrdbname=s base url for index (default=alexandria)
    --core=s     index core (default=alexandria)
  --autooptimize issue an 'optimize' call to SOLR after optinterval
                 continuous load-id(s)
    --optinterval  # of load-id(s) after which an optimize is issued
    --optsegments=n optimize down to n-segments (default=16)
  --nostatistics do not gather indexing statistics
