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Parameter ValuesDescription
 @nn=10Top number of assignees to report (default: 10)

@minmin=1Minimum number of documents worthy of counting (default: 10)

@startstart=YYYYBeginning year to filter (default: now() - 5 years)

@endend=YYYYEnding year to filter (default: current year)

@monthsmonths=1|0Add monthly pivot values (default: 0)

@appsapps=1|0Report on pre-grant publications (default: 0)

@currentcurrent=1|0Use current assignee instead of original (default: 0)

@probableprobable=1|0Consider probable assignees as well (default: 0)

@filterfilter=cpc:a61kAny random SOLR search to limit results

@country@countriescountrycountries=US,EP,DEComma-delimited list of countries to report on. NOTE: these are publication countries, not countries of assignee (default: US)

@pivotpivot=cpcl3Pivot field

@pivot.mincountpivot.mincount=1Minimum number of values from pivot considered worthy of counting (default: 1)

@pivot.limitpivot.limit=5Maximum number of values to return (default: 10)

@pivot.embedpivot.embed=1|0Embed pivot field with years (default: 0)
